(General) Heap & Graph Searhch Algorithms
Heap Basic Concepts
- Heap (Priority Queue) is used to maintain the min/ max value within a dynamically changing data collection. 使用Heap来维护一个不断变化数据集中的最优值。
- 性质 -> 堆序性: 任意一个节点 小于 它的所有后续节点 descendent
- 逻辑 Logical 角度来讲:Theoretically, 在脑子里 Heap 是用 Complete Tree 来表示的。
- 为什么必须用 Complete Tree 来表示 Heap?
- According to 数学公式:
index of leftChild = myIndex * 2 + 1
index of rightChild = myIndex * 2 + 2
index of parent = (myIndex - 1) / 2
- 为什么这个数学公式成立? 因为 Complete Tree 中间没有气泡
- 物理 physical 角度来讲: 在电脑里 Heap/ Binary Heap 是用 Array来进行存储的。
- 为什么可以使用 Array 来进行存储?
- Because it is a Complete Tree && We could easily get the parent & children index.
Heap Operations
insert a new element:
- 对 Java 来讲是 offer();
- Insert to tail (the first ‘null’ position).
- Why? -> Need to ensure the tree is complete.
- Swap with parent, if smaller than parent.
- What is TC? -> Because it’s a complete tree, is must be a balanced tree, so O(logn).
delete heap-top element:
- 对 Java 来讲是 pop();
- Swap the last not-null element with heap-top empty.
- Swap current element with min value among all its childrens.
- 这是唯一可以避免产生气泡的方式。要么补到 null 的位置,要么把前面的 null 换出来到结尾。
- 避免气泡是第一要素!!!
- What is TC? -> Because it’s a complete tree, is must be a balanced tree, so O(logn).
update any heap element:
- if update to smaller: 往上 percolate/ swap
- if update to larger: 往下 percolate/ swap
get/ top: O(1)
Heapify: O(n)
Question Examples
- Find smallest k elements from an unsorted array of size n.
Method 1:
- Heapify the whole array to be a MIN_HEAP. -> O(n)
- Keep popping k times. -> O(k*logn)
- Total TC: O(n) + O(k*logn)
Method 2:
- Heapify the first k elements to be a MAX_HEAP. -> O(k)
- Why heapify in this way? To keep a solution so far.
- Compare following elements with the Top-element, if smaller than the Top-element, pop the Top-element (踢出当前结果集) and insert the new element into Heap (收入当前结果集) -> O(logk) // otherwise ignore it.
- Total TC: O(k) + O((n-k)*log(k))
Method1 & Method2, which one is better?
- k <<<< n: O(c*n) 这里有个系数c 由于Heapify产生的 VS O(nlog(k)) –> Hard to say.
- k
~n: O(nlogn) VS O(nlogn) –> Hard to say.
Method 3: 时间复杂度更优
- Use Quick Selection
- Average Time Complexity: O(n)
- Worse case:
- iteration 1 -> O(n)
- iteration 2 -> O(n/2)
- iteration 3 -> O(n/4) …
- Total Average Time -> O(n + n/2 + n/4 + … ) = O(2n) = O(n)
Method1 & Method2 & Method3 which one is most suitable for industry streaming data?
- Method2 is an online algorithm, is does not depend on every data. No need to heapify every time, because we always keep the solution so far.
- Adjacency Matrix
- Adjacency List –可以优化成–> Hash Map
图中常考的 search algorithms
- 图的遍历和搜索 (BFS-1)
- 图中的最短路径问题 (BFS-2)
宽度优先搜索 BFS-1
- 什么是Search Algorithm?
- 以某种顺序, 把图中所有的 Nodes expand() 开, 并且 generate() 到它的所有 neighbors.
- 什么是 Breadth First Searcg Algorithm?
- 以宽度优先的顺序,把树(简易图)中所有的 Nodes expand() 开, 并且 generate() 到它的所有 neighbors.
- 面试中 如何去描述一个算法?
- 首先这个 algorithm 是干什么的?
- It is an searching algorithm which could expand every single Node and generate all its neighbors in a breadth first order.
- 其次 这个算法用的是什么数据结构?
- This algorithm uses the FIFO Queue.
- 这个算法是怎么 work 的?
- 其实状态是怎样? Initially, the Queue only contains the root node.
- 每一轮做了什么? We keep polling the head node from the queue, and expand it to generate its’ two child nodes.
- 终止的条件是什么? We terminate polling from the queue when it’s empty.
- 首先这个 algorithm 是干什么的?
- Whether a graph’s node can be divided into 2 groups, such that the node in each group do not have direct edges between the nodes that belongs to the same group.
- 能都找到这样的一个分类方式,保证每个 group 中的 nodes 之间不能够有边相连。